The Ad Copy:
The original Les Fines Lames cigar-stand design, this elegant item comes with its leather case. Tired of holding your cigar? Don't want it to stay in shared ashtrays at cigar events? This cigar stand is the perfect solution. Easy to carry around and conveniently fits in any of your pockets.

Type: Cigar Stand
Made In: France
Height: 65mm
Width: 50mm
Stand Material: Stainless Steel
Case Material: Calf Leather
Weight: 83g
The Stand:
The wheel has not been reinvented here. It has just been dressed up to be a whole lot prettier. The stand is made of quality stainless steel. Not a surprise when it comes to Les Fine Lames. It does come in two pieces so it can be stored flat. The pieces go together perfectly and provide the same stability as if it were one piece.
The Leather Case:
This is where dressing up the wheel comes into play. Calf skin leather with perfect stitching. Your stand fits snugly inside this leather holder for space saving transport.
The stand works well. It does what it is suppose to. Due to the way it is stored it does give you a luxury feeling when you are removing it and using it. After much usage I did not have any issues with removal or putting it together, Once concern I did have was the edges sharpening with over use since it is meta on metal. So far that has not been an issue and I do not foresee it becoming one.
Side Note:
While I treat my cigar smoking like a slow stroll through the park some may see it differently. I enjoy the set-up of the stand even though it is very quick. Some may not like the extra step (no matter how small) even though it takes seconds. You will also notice how sturdy this stand is. Since it is in two pieces compare the weight with other stands. One half of this has the same weight if not more that a complete generic stand.

Final Thoughts:
I definitely love this brand as a whole. I would purchase anything that they put out because I know the quality that comes with it. Was this worth the $40 price tag for some luxury in your cigar stand? To me it was to others maybe not. This will last. I never see an issue with spending good money on higher end cigars so I do not have an issue with paying for higher end accessories. Should you want to check it out for yourself head over to the Les Fines Lames website below. https://www.lesfineslames.com/getyours/en/